Young Cameroonian designs & builds a functional 3D printer from recycled material

Nervis Nzometia won 1st place and took home the 10 million Fcfa prize money with his project E-Waste 3D Printer. Originally designed and built as the project for his final year of engineering school, the e-Waste 3D printer wowed judges at the second edition of Cameroon’s Information and Communications Technology competition organized annually since 2019 by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

Africa is about to get faster internet

With the fastest growing population, Africa is also the least connected continent and therefore a vast potential untapped market for Internet giants such as Facebook. Through the project’s website (, Facebook claims that this is the largest sub-sea project in the world. Further, the company estimates that the project will deliver 180Tbps which is more than the capacity of all sub-sea cables serving Africa today.


Over the last few months, we have been living a new reality imposed on us by the coronavirus. The new virus has literally shut-down almost every country on earth. Unlike recent epidemics, the richer countries have been just as paralyzed as poorer ones. This has left African countries to fend for themselves.

This challenge was met by African innovation at various levels. We’ve already covered the OXYNNET oxygen delivery system invented by Himmore Medical in …